Thursday, March 29, 2007

First Rant

I’m very new to this blogging stuff. So here’s a bit of background. When I came to the US about twenty years ago, I vowed to stay away from politics, having grown tired of the British system of undoing all that had been done by the previous administration. I also thought that I would fit nicely into America, having been a tory all my life, believing in capitalism, standing on one’s own two feet, and making my own way through life. I still feel the same, though having lived in a ‘mixed economy’, I was a bit surprised, and somewhat shocked, to find what truly is capitalism, and the capitalistic way of thinking. Here, the mantra is greed. This would be OK, except that it leads to all sorts of problems, such as considerable poverty in the wealthiest nation on earth. A health system which can totally impoverish someone of modest income, though I have myself benefited from the quite wonderful health care available, being thankfully well insured.

I watched the present president being elected (??) but decided, in typically British fashion, to wait and see if he would make a success of it, and take the country forward. Fat chance.
I was never a great Reagan fan, feeling a bit like the little boy at the King’s parade. Didn’t anyone else notice the he left office leaving behind the largest debt in history?

Until now, that is.

Old dubbya has managed to get us into an unwinnable war, borrowed billions from our enemies, found a new name for cronyism – loyalty - and lied about almost, no everything, he is involved with. To us. To everybody. Our last president, who I happen to think did a great job, was also an idiot who did something reprehensible, which was to introduce a rather disgusting phrase into the public domain commonly now referred to as a BJ, which would be better kept hidden. Then lied about it. If I’d done it with someone who worked for me, (no such luck) and been asked if I had, Huh??? Not me ma’am. Ok, he shouldn’t have.

Have you noticed that this guy, whose middle name has an ‘L’ where the ‘N’ should be, has lied about everything. He lied to get us into a war. He lies about our great prosperity (With 7 billion debt, prosperous?) and lies to his political allies (I stand behind Rumsfeld every step of the way) ready to kick, no doubt. When in hell will somebody impeach the bum???

Now it’s our justice system. The dems and republicans alike want to get to the bottom of this apparent debacle (that’s bipartisan, right?) but dubbya won’t hear of open questions, recorded and under oath. Well, that would mean they’d have to tell the truth, wouldn’t it? And that would mean they’d have to tell us all. Wouldn’t it? And, by gosh, under oath, they wouldn’t be able to lie, and what then? Wow, that’s just unthinkable.

Oh, yes, and when is someone going to ask W how come we can spend all this money on war, a totally negative exercise, when we supposedly couldn’t afford a health system, housing for our poor, or even proper maintenance for the infrastructure?

Better stop now. Watch Keith Olbermann’s comments section. He does it better than I do.
Guess I’ll be back when I’ve cooled down. By the way, I was probably Dannielynn’s father. Send me the money in a plain brown truck.


Lin said...

Well done WelshBob! Bravo!

Betsy Milligan said...

The U.S. needs more citizens like you, Bob --- smart, well-informed and giving a damn!

I always like to hear what's on your mind. Rant on.

Yours, Betsy

Lin said...

Okay Bob, Time's up. Start writing again, nOW!

Unknown said...

Dear Bob, There is nothing more admirable than the sincere expression of our thoughts and our beliefs, I applaud you getting started as beginnings are usually the hardest part of writing. Do be careful not to take to heart those that may respond with cruel and ill considered attacks, as such attacks are often carried out by people that have no other agenda than to prevent the sharing of real ideas or worse, merely to be hurtful.